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I:BICA is the first & only artist-led organization to offer services in the specialized production of art & science events and materials. Our team promotes and facilitates close collaborations between practitioners in these traditionally divided fields.

I:BICA is the first & only artist-led organization to offer services in the specialized production of art & science events and materials. Our team promotes and facilitates close collaborations between practitioners in these traditionally divided fields.

At IBICA, we are experts in event production, crafting extraordinary experiences tailored to your needs. Whether it's a private celebration, corporate event, or artistic showcase, we have the skills and creativity to bring your vision to life, regardless of the scale. Contact us now to discover customized options for your next event and let us make it unforgettable.

NATURE magazine, February 2021

“Collaborations with artists go beyond communicating the science. Scientists and artists are working together as never before, finds a Nature poll. Both sides need to invest time, and embrace surprise and challenge.”

MIT News, October 2023

“The art of science and the science of art”


"Art–science collaborations: Generators of new ideas and serendipitous events: An increasing number of collaborative projects between artists and scientists raises the question regarding their value, particularly when considering the redirection of resources."

NATURE Structural & Molecular Biology, May 2021

"Artistic techniques are essential tools to visualize, understand and disseminate the results of scientific research. The field of structural biology has enjoyed a particularly productive marriage of art and science."

NATURE Careers Podcast, November 2023

“Scientific illustration: striking the balance between creativity and accuracy. A misleading image in a medical textbook could have life and death implications, but some disciplines can deploy myth and metaphor to convey their science through art”

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Confluence of Creativity and Inquiry: Unleashing the Power of Art-Science Synergy

Artists are an untapped resource. There is no other population who has spent more time training their minds to think outside of every kind of box humankind can think of. On the parallel spectrum, scientists stand as an invaluable wellspring of innovation. There exists no other group that has dedicated more time honing their intellectual prowess to explore the boundless frontiers of knowledge, pushing the boundaries of understanding in every facet of our world. Together, the symbiosis of artistic creativity and scientific inquiry presents an extraordinary opportunity for collaboration, where the convergence of these two realms can unlock unprecedented possibilities and reshape the landscape of discovery.

Meet our Founder

“Collectively, our generation has the most important undertaking of any that has come before us. The very survival of our species- and fellow species- is in our hands. My conviction is that creative thinking can be channeled to meet the needs of our time. I am a great believer in the power of humanity’s capacity for innovation and collaboration.

This is why I started I:BICA.

Let’s not waste this opportunity to do

more than we ever thought possible.”


as intermediary


towards deeper understanding


across borders & disciplines


that moves us

Our collective

is always on the

lookout for collaborations.

searching for partners.

expanding horizons.

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